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Posted a Comment: Mar 14th, 2021 "great guide"


Tier List

Updated a Tier List On: Mar 4th, 2021 jungle tier list

Tier List

Updated a Tier List On: Mar 4th, 2021 jungle tier list

Tier List

Created a Tier List On: Feb 27th, 2021 jungle tier list

Tier List

Updated a Tier List On: Feb 19th, 2021 hard champion tier list


Tier List

Updated a Tier List On: Feb 19th, 2021 hard champion tier list

Tier List

Updated a Tier List On: Feb 19th, 2021 hard champion tier list


Posted a Comment: Feb 19th, 2021 "i will take out tham kench and kayn"

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide