So last time I wrote a general overview of dominion this time I'm specifying it down to bot lane. The reason I chose to do bot lane first is that it is the closest dominion role to top lane and it also has the best carry potential.

In the bot lane of Dominion there are a few basic goals/things to remember.


Ah for wave control and minions on dominion. So as to how this works, minions will spawn when you capture a point ADJACENT to an enemy point. These minions will run out in groups of 3 like in summoners rift, the minions will derp run at the capture point fighting each other along the way. Minions in dominion lose health as they channel towers, meaning after about 3 seconds of channeling they will die. Something to note in dominion is that if minions begin to horde up they can very easily go and neutralize the point they are adjacent to. Now as far as how to manipulate and use this knowledge to your advantage you should try and horde as many minions as possible and send them at your enemies capture point, as far as doing this goes you want to be constantly pushing the wave at a moderate pace so that you can group up a few minion waves before the horde reaches the enemy capture point. Now something I recommend that a lot of people do not like is that I make sure I get the last bit on minions. While constantly pushing your lane is important something to remember about dominion is that the minions are 30-60 gold EACH meaning each wave of 3 is gonna be netting you 100 more gold, which can stack up very fast. Now I'm not saying do not push the lane and pretend its an SR lane and farm, no Im saying push the lane just pay extra attention to making sure you get those killing blows on the minions it can give you more gold and another advantage over your opponent.

Trading and Health Relics:

Everyone knows it trading and zoning (the shurelya zoning video xD) and they are just as important on dominion. However dominion does "spice it up" a bit by adding some health relics. Basically these offer mana and hp sustain which can make champions like Pantheon who have no built in sustain and a mana problem with constant spamming REALLY STRONG. There are 3 of these relics 1 by each point and 1 in the middle of the lane, this gives an advantage to the player who is pushing past the middle and allows him to keep up his pushing efforts. This adds a different layer of strategy to the picks on dominion and poses the question : "Who's a really good duelist that can push well and can use free sustain and mana really well?" As for the answer I will let you decide and let that be your bot lane pick =P though you do need to remember the relics do not help you much if your dead if the enemy is able to just come in lane and kill you they can just go take your point and worry about nothing else.

Capture Points Taking/Maintaining:

So as far as the points in dominion go they are essentially your turrets. The goal will be to push to the enemy turret and take the point (even just neutralizing the point is a HUGE advantage for your team (if you were down a point, you just stopped point loss, if you were up you just enhanced the speed the enemy nexus is losing hp.) so you have a few methods on how to take the point:
1. push it down with minions
2.kill the enemy and take it.
3. That's pretty much it XD

Now as far as holding the enemy point goes once you get it. Stay if you can defend it leave if you can't, it is that simple. If the enemy brings 2 bot and you are not confident you can fight and kill them just B, do not risk your own point unless it is a necessity. Revive is a good spell for this reason as it allows you to reach a point again right after you die.

Ganking Bot:

Now in dominion bot self efficiency is important but if a quest appears down bot OR if it looks like your points gonna get taken ask a teammate to come down and lane with you for a minute it can have great benefits and put your team in a good place.


That's about all I have to say about dominions bot lane for now. If I have anything to add I'll come back later and make the changes. I will eventually do what I did with my top top lane blogs to this blog series and put it all in a single guide for easy access, but until then I'm just gonna continue making this blog series ^^