Hello everyone I am Berzerk for those of you who do not know. I like to write things, I LOVE to spurt out my thoughts on paper (Makes me feel good after xD) but im also fine with a computer and in this case my mobafire blog. This is a new series I will be starting on so tell me what you all think in the comments (Stuff thats not ewwww dominion plx xD )

Game Overview:

Dominion is a high paced point capture game type implemented in a moba game. The game was popular for a few games but got old very quickly for most players who were more used to the organized systematic summoners rift. Come back about a year later and dominion is a game with its own meta game and a very minuscule amount of players. Very recently I got interested in dominion and started looking into its meta, tier lists, and other such things. I though I would make a blog series to share what I have found/ will find with all of you, so lets get started.

The Meta:

The meta in Dominion is as follows:
  • Solo Bot Champion (Either should be able to push, poke, or burst)
  • Ad ranged carry going top
  • Support Going top
  • AP poker going top
  • Tank going top

Bot Laner:

This is my FAVORITE ROLE in dominion mostly because it feels so much like top lane. For the most part as a bot laner you will be isolated, you will need to be a self reliant champ, and you will need to watch out for ganks. This role is much like LANING PHASE on summoners rift This role is THE BEST role in dominion to carry your team mostly because it is 1v1 and can tip the balance of the game in your teams favor. If you are able to win the bot lane, take the point, and push out your enemies you will put your team in a very advantageous position. Either the enemy team will need to send 1 more bot (thus letting your team win out at top) OR you will control the bot point and with the 2 points by your base be controlling 3 points and have the advantage. When laning bot lane controlling the flow of minions will be very important as well as managing health relics (Both of which will be in future blogs).

Good Bot Choices: Yorick, Rengar, Kha'Zix, Jayce

Recommended Summoner Spells: Revive, Garrison or Exhaust

Top Laners:

Top lane, on summoners rift this is my lane. On dominion however this lane is a constant poke war/ teamfight. Essentially MID GAME on summoners rift. This will typically consist of a ranged carry support duo (Both of which preferably having alot of poke), an ap carry who has good poke, and a tank who can soke up the beating. Typically at the start of the game you will want to send your low range tank to take the middle point as you team heads up top and starts to poke the enemy team down. Alot of this lane will be about the early fight which can start a team off on a good foot and discourage the enemies. It will mostly take place in the form of a poke war until either 6 or when one team is able to get a good engage off on the other. When someone dies in this fight they will typically use the revive summoner spell to run back up and continue the fight on. The team that gains the point will want to be able to hold it while also applying pressure on the enemies second point to prevent the enemies from going down and helping their bot lane. If you ever get to a stalemate period you can send one of your teammates top to go down and help your bot laner take the point and try and help him establish an advantage.

Good Ap Choices: Kassadin, Zyra, Ryze, Swain, Ahri

Recommended Summoner Spells: Revive, Exhaust

Good Tank/Tanky DPS Choices: Rengar, Jax, Wukong, Darius, Rammus, Poppy

Recommended Summoner Spells: Revive, Exhaust

Good AD Choices: Urgot, Ezreal, Corki, Vayne, Kog'Maw

Recommended Summoner Spells: Revive, Exhaust

Good Support Choices: Blitzcrank, Taric, Lulu, Janna

Recommended Summoner Spells: Revive, Garrison or Exhaust


Dominion is a fun game mode that I think people should give another chance. I feel the game has potential and is alot funner once you know the meta and get some wins under your belt. overall I will be playing dominion alot in the upcoming weeks after the conclusion of the season and will start making blogs on it. I hope you all enjoyed this quick look at dominion have fun and good luck on the crystal scar ^^