I probably should have done this first but whatever.

Have yo ever asked yourself why you have a jungler and not just 2 people top? Have you ever asked yourself what kind of champions BELONG up in top lane? Well thats the purpose of todays Blog =D

Why is it SOLO top:

The top lane is solo as your team wants 1 player to play the jungler, be able to aid the team across the map and secure jungle control. The reason it is the top lane that is the lane that gets the solo, is the fact that the early game revolves more around dragon which is closer to bot lane. Meaning that you would rather have 2 laners bottom rather then 1 to contest for dragon.

What kind of champions should go top:

While there are many factors in determining the viability of a top laner such as skills and such, what YOU should be picking as a top laner is a "fill in". If your team needs a tank you pick a tank, If your team needs more AD/AP you pick an AD/AP carry. The challenge is to do this all while not getting counterpicked, losing your lane and being ineffective.

How involved is top in the game:

Top does not get involved into the game until it is a fairly decent time period into the game. Meaning if your team is doing badly the best way you can help is to carry the game. While other roles like mid and jungler can gank and aid the team, you will (For the most part) be farming to fill in the role your team needs for late game.

How well can top carry:

If you looking for a role to gain "Fast Elo" then top is not the way for you to go. I would say top lane (If your very good at it) only has a 60%-70% chance to let you carry enough to win the game. This is not as high as AP mid or AD carry, but you will gain Elo over time if you play well.

This was more of a small guide on mechanics, I will be posting these as I feel needed. These will be in my guide as well as the top facts which will form the comprehensive guide to top lane.