Still getting used to my new computer wont be making top facts for a few days.

:Top Lane Strategies -1- Bot Top Switch:

Has your top laner every got HARD counter picked by a champion (especially one that scales well into late game)? Wella good strategy to counter this is have you take a champion that is strong without items (A support-like champion) or champions who are survivable and have useful abilities.

Example: If the enemy is able to first pick a champion with a strong late such as a poppy, and you are someone like a janna who cannot stop her from getting there, you can go bot and let your AD carry and support go top. The 2v1 should win the lane and deny the carry hard. Even if you fall behind bot lane, you have support abilities and will still be useful to your team.

If you do this strat, you give up control on dragon, and will lose out on farm and kill potential in your lane.