So I had a small ranked win streak, that put me from the 1200's to the 1300's. I made it to 1347, and I decided to come back here to mobafire. The day I returned, I lost one game because of my solo top's minor skill level.
I thought, hmmm... an interesting coincidence.
Today, I play another ranked game. I managed to get Kassadin as the 3rd pick, and I take pride in my Kass skills. So I won lane vs a Cassiopeia, and I was like 10/0 before I finally died once. Unfortunately, I miscalculated and died to Graves after nearly killing 3 of them.
Then in every team fight, I go to focus Cassio, and Jax jumps and focuses me hardcore.
Then, in another team fight, my Jarvan IV focuses cassio, forcing me to focus Graves. This was not fun since I had to focus the ranged ad who was guarded by his Janna whilst also being focused by Jax -.-

We lost that game and I was 15/6/16. We nearly made a comeback because our inhib spawned when they were on our nexus, and that helped a bit. but we still lost nonetheless.

This is a very odd coincidence... Returning to Moba, and lose win streak. op.