Let me say something about the change in people's behaviour on the internet.

The internet always provided anonymity which always buffed real world tools to mega tools and people who behaved well in the real world let out their bad boy online.

This is tolerable, as long as it does not hit a certain mark, as I know I can't change human kind. But I feel like the gaming community tolerated this trend for too much too long.

If a company does not release a patch, an unfinished product, a dlc or whatever on the minute mark, people rage through the forums as if they wanted to throw a government into turmoil.
When they receive a gift from a company it is always to small (remember the IP Bonus WE on the forums, they treated Riot like axis of evil), when there are game changes they are mostly "stupid and OMG", and if a game has a bug the community wants at something worth 10 Euro for free...even if the game is F2P.

Ingame it is not better. I did not want to believe that LOL has the worst community online, but slowly I tend to agree- but I think this is only the tip of the iceberg (more on that later...)

When I started playing LOL i did so with 2 good friends and some checked it out in between. The 2 friends liked LOL, and we had a lot of fun playing together. But after a while both did not want to play LOL anymore, because they could not stand all that bashing anymore.

Ingame is just a blamefest deluxe:

- whoever blames sb else first is always right
- the jungler never ganks or ganks totally wrong
- top is a noob
- report bot for fail
- FU mid
- useless support

But even if your team is ahead it brings out the inner douche in some people, telling the loosing team to uninstall, that they should kill themselves, how easy it is to beat them noobs, stuff about cancer, etc.

It really annoys me, how people pick on everyone and premades always look for a scapegoat for their own failure.
I simply do not want to ignore everybody I meet ingame and really think about quitting LOL, as all my friends left the game already.

As a jungler and support player (the only roles I enjoy playing) you are so damn team reliant and it is really easy to blame you for everything.
I make mistakes, I apologize for dumb ones. Don't ever do that: once you apologize for an error you are the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong after.
Hell, I even rewatch most games where people blaming me for sucking to learn of my mistakes...

The thing is, I believe that LOL is just a shape of the things to come, when it comes to multiplayer and internet rudeness.

People get used to missbehaving more and more, even the balanced people start raging, cause they can not stand all the bashing anymore and so the circle continues.

I really believe that game companies should use harder bans to show that they care about the game and for stepping up to bullies. Yeah, they will loose a few customers in the beginning due to that, but once the community knows that this game has a "zero ********" tolerance then it might on the other side attract more people who look for competitive gaming in a sportsmanship environment.

A few gamers that care alone will not change the course of things, it is up to the companies to show flag and prove that they want their games to be fun and not a learning ground for humiliation.

I am very interested in your feedback and apologize as I might not be verbally eloquent in English...

Thanks for reading, as a reward you get a picture of a comb over puppy.

BTW: CLG.NA vs TSM is an awesome match!