Hello to all people that are reading this guide at this exact moment! I'm bsurma (Da Bee S - EUNE, don't check my elo plox) and this is my first blog here on MobaFire. I think I should introduce myself first.

I started playing this game about a year ago or so. At first, I was completely skeptical about the game, but that was before I played my first match. It happens often. You believe in what you see, so they say (or maybe I messed it up a bit). I fell completely in love with it. I'm a big fan of champions with deep or cool-sounding voices. Mordekaiser, Jax, Darius, Nocturne and the list goes on.

After some time of playing, I decided to take this game more seriously. I looked up some guides, improved a lot as a player, watched some streams and I'm slowly realizing that I wouldn't replace this game for any other MOBA.

I wrote a guide, if some of you don't know yet. Check it out sometime. It is a product of my hard work, some experience with the game AND the champion. Many consider Darius as a pub-stomper that can't do a thing against organized teams (also a kill-steal master, I partly agree with that but Darius is simply made for this playstyle). I want to prove them wrong. Pro players like Dyrus or Westrice have used this champion in casual streams or even in tournaments and Darius turned out to be a nearly unstoppable force more often than not.

Apart from writing guides, I'm starting to prepare for serious climbing up the ELO ladder. I may be good as a player but I throw games too much and lose my temper. I need to work on that before season 3, so for now, no ELO for me, I guess. It's also tough for me to grind champions, as I don't play too much. I completely love the new mechanics that Riot puts in the game, but I can't get champs such as Jayce.

Well, that's all, I guess. Leave some responses in the comments if you want. Cheers. :)