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Posted a Comment: Jan 21st, 2014
"Good day, everyone. I really hope you missed me because I missed you guys. I have not played ranked games for quite some time for many reasons: I had to cure my illness, I was very tired after job and finally due to some lags in EUNE servers I could not start play ranked. So let’s start.
First of"
Posted a Comment: Jan 9th, 2014
"The seventh game.
soraka was my first champion and I really loved her that time. Me and ezreal were laning against annie and sivir, we played pretty safe. Even when jarvan iv came to gang us when we were near tower, I waited him to attack us and used exhaust so he could not "
Posted a Comment: Jan 9th, 2014
"The fourth game.
I don’t really remember this game. All I can remember that my team could not protect me or sivir so enemy team easily focused us. Most of our teamfights went badly because we even could not group properly or help each other.
Posted a Comment: Jan 7th, 2014
"The sixth game.
And again…premade. This game was bad from the start because shyvana could not fight pantheon, lee sin was really strange jungler and there was not much help from him. vayne was playing other game because all the time she was not with team during fights. I was attac"