Lately I've been re-watching some games from the NA Spring LCS, and at half of the LCS i've got to stop watching. It's rare that I stop watching past weeks of LCS, just to have an idea of the changes on the standings and teams (and since I'm studying most of the time, I can't watch live games as much as I wanted). And now, I can't watch a TSM game at all, even against the best team (in my opinion) in NA, Cloud9. And why's that? Well, to put it simply, and I've never tought that I would say this but, the crowd, the fans, ruins most of the games in my opinion. The ones that annoy me the most are TSM fans. If you're a TSM fan, good for you. But I can't stand some of you. You're the type of fan that it's there to cheer for the team when they win, but when they lose, you give some random reason to try to nulify their loss. Stop that. That's not human normal behavior. If my favorite team loses, I don't make comments like "Bjergsen is not there", "The other team got lucky", etc. I'll criticize my team for their mistakes, and believe me, i'll not come with bull, i'll watch and take note of their mistakes and make me learn something. But wait, I have more for you. When Bjergsen came to TSM, I was happy for Bjergsen, since I like his playstyle. But because of some of you, I don't like him anymore. He became like a god, thing that he cannot be (at least not yet). Bjergsen is not Faker, and believe me, he's miles away from him.
Another thing you noticed is the rage that oddone has received from the games that TSM lost. I don't see oddone as a jungler that makes turn tiding plays like InSec or Meteos, he's more of a team player. He focus more on aiding the team than him carrying the team. If TSM lose, it's because they failed at something, and all the fails are not made by theoddone. You should be criticizing, not trowing blames at one player when the other made mistakes as well.
And now you must be thinking: but you don't know many TSM fans. Oh believe me, I do. I live with one, and discuss NA LCS with many other. After their final loss against C9, while discussing the game, not one of them could be able to give me a solid reason that explained why TSM lost that game. All of them blamed theoddone for that loss and did not take in count the fact that even Bjergsen made many mistakes, as well as Dyrus, Wildturtle and Xpecial. TSM lost because they got crushed in the early game. C9 had a better early game, and they capitalize that fact into a snowball that TSM couldn't do nothing against.
SO, if you could please be quiet most of the games, don't spam you rage in the comments or in the live chat of the stream, and mostly, if you start be a real fan and not a fanatic,that would be just great.

(I'm not criticizing all of the TSM fanbase, but if the shackle fits...)