I have been playing LoL now for quite some time now and I have tried every role in order to find what suites me the best ... oddly enough the role I hate the most is the one I am the best in xD, I am ofcource talking about support role and I tried to deny it at first, but my win ratio as a support is extremely higher than all the other roles I have tried and now I am searching for that one champion I can call upon to be my main ...

450 IP
nothing ... really don't want any of them.

1350 IP
Has a snare and a shield for ADC, downside that shield is only good for AP damage not AD.
Has a stun + a heal wich is nice, only downside is that he is gay (don't you people try to deny it ... have you seen his pink skin, holy sh*t).

3150 IP
Never actually saw anybody play her as a support, but all that cc and her passive sounds like it could work out nicely.
Can place a turret in bot river's brush to detect a gank and one in the lane to help ADC farm + his rockets can harrass from save distance and he has a blind, only downside he has zer0 escapes.

4800 IP
2 cc abillities, a scouting abillity and his a damn tank.

6300 IP
Her early game sounds extremely strong due to her passive plus basic attacks, she can shut down the enemy ADC and she has allot of ways to help out her allied ADC ... downside, again zer0 escapes.

I already own Sona, Thresh and Zilean as supports and I have looked at all the support options ... the one's in my list stood out for me among the rest so please don't suggest any other champions besides the one's in my list.

Green = I can buy these champions right now.
Orange = I need like 500 IP in order to get them.
Red = I need like 2200 IP for them.