I find myself always looking for new champions to play and master...trying my best to expand my champion pool. In my previous blog post I listed out my main champions that I mainly play (yes... Nunu & Willump support is viable in my books). LeBlanc was the most recent champion I had purchased and ever since I got her I have been improving my reaction times as well as muscle memory. Since my muscle memory has been getting better I thought I would go try Lee Sin. So I saved and saved IP and finally got enough to buy Lee Sin...but then I reached a predicament...I wasn't so sure I would do good with him since he can be really hard. So I debated with myself on whether to get him or get someone else that would be easier to grasp. I looked at the other available champions and saw Renekton and realized that now he is really reliable in the top lane (since it's my favorite lane to play). And so I wanted to get him too...but then I saw Rumble...and Riven. So I was at complete war with myself. I didn't know who to get...so I consulted my friend...and went through the list of champions I wanted to buy. At the time I ruled Riven out cuz I stank when I played with her (tried her during free champion rotation...didn't go so well). His response to it all in short...pick the fun champions. Buy the one that is most fun to play with. I thought about that and thought about it. Renekton was the most viable...yet seemed a little boring during play for me. Rumble seemed a little less fun than Lee Sin...so I bought Lee Sin. Pressing that buy button and having all my IP go away was hard to do...but worth it. Lee Sin is a REALLY hard champion (went 0/8/9 in my first normal game with him) but he is also REALLY fun. All his fancy ward jumps and Dragons Rage kicks...makes it all worth it when playing with him (until you start feeding that is).

So what's the point of this really long story? Buy champions that are fun for you...play the game cuz it's fun. If you're playing to win and only win...well then it defeats the purpose. Play the Champions that are fun for you...even if they aren't viable in todays meta. Like when I play Nunu & Willump support...I play him because he is fun for me...