This basically just gonna be a post about all my games from lvl 26(almost27) to whenever i decide to stop. Its also just so i can look back and see how im doing and if others want they can tell me tips they notice from certain things. I will probably only tell about my draft pick/ranked games cause normal blind pick is just me playing to test for the most part, or play with a friend. Hope you enjoy and can also help me
Also if you have any small tips for how to improve your CS in a game please leave a comment or send me a massage cause that is my biggest weakness as an AP carry is that i either cant last hit for **** or i spend to much time roaming trying to gank other peoples lanes.

Game 1-LVL 26() {Win} 3/0/1 [79cs] Annie v. Lux
This game we did a lvl 1 invade on the enemy jungler, lee sin's red buff and pushed him out. went to lane and farmed and killed lux right after she picked up blue buff and then just zoned her out. out lvling her 11 to 8. Lee Sin came in for a gank and i killed him and got away. Last kill was lux under her tower
i did my normal build where i get boots pots then rush RoA.
they surrendered at 20 so nothing truly happened, hopefully the next game will be better

Game 2-lvl 26() {loss} 9/8/10 [120cs] Annie v. Brand
Game started off ok when i got a kill but was almost instantly ganked by amumu and then he made sure to keep me back by constantly popping in my lane while feeding off the other. overall it was an absolutely terrible game on me. I got behind and just couldnt catch back up with amumu's constant gank attempts but i still somehow came out positive

Game 3-lvl 26 (loss) 2/3/1 [56cs] Veigar v. Morgana
Just bad i was beat pretty bad, thats all i have to say. Was just bad

Game 4-lvl 26() {win} 5/0/5 [91cs] Anivia V. Varus/Ashe
Game started off pretty simple except our team was Teemo solo top. Me on anivia in mid. Maokai in the jungle. and our bot lane was victor/katarina Super crazy but they dominated going 14/3/9 combined. I was actually able to pick up first blood pretty early in the game then pciked up a jax shortly after when he tried to gank. Then the enemy varus DCed and ashe took over 3 lvls behind me, so she was quickly pushed out of lane. I also spent most of the game roaming from mid to bot ganking. Im pretty happy with the win by 20 min surrender just need to work on my early game farm with anivia since it was like 9 7 mins in cause i couldnt last hit anything

Game 5-lvl 26^() {win} 22/9/10 [178cs] Karthus V. Teemo
This game helped me realize why you ban karthus every single game. He is just deadly. I was lucky enough and the other team didnt bann him or even have 1 which is just insane. he is so much fun to play. I started off pretty strong bullying poor little teemo around... teemo's should stay out of my lane =P. I didnt really get fed till late game but then i went off. There was a team fight where i rushed in behind my awesome nocturne then got every1 low but sadly my requiem was on cd so no kills for me. We tlked about that being a possible penta during the min till the next team fight where same thing happened. noc goes in i follow and then i die, so i pop my ult and Boom My first penta kill. i will try to make a video and give a link here but I'm super pumped about my first penta. leave in the comments about your first penta kill and if yu have a video give us a link

Game 6-lvl 27() {win} 11/7/13 [138cs] Karthus v. Veigar
Nothing really big in this game happened, just had the enemy veigar raging at me the whole game. Honestly just a boring game to watch, and play. Still a win is a win

Game 7-LVL 27() {win} 13/9/8 [65cs] Kassadin v. Fizz
You know that chmpion that just isnt for u? well i found it. I think im just really bad at melee champs. Its something im gonna work on whenever i decide to buy kass or morde, plausibly gragas. Game was alot of fun though. me and fizz killed eachother constantly. Thing that made it easy though was te fact that the entire enemy team was AP so magic resist carried me. Also got a couple double kills with riftwalk(1 of my favorite ults in the game.
What is your favorite ult and why

Game 8-LVL 27() {win} 2/4/12 [5cs] >soraka</graves v. Janna/Ezreal
Team refused to let me play mid so all i had was support so i tried to support. started off bad with like 0/4/0 but after we got into team fighting more life got alot easier. Im just not the type to support. i much rather of been AD carry but cant always be what you want to.

Game 9-LVL 27() {win} 15/1/8 [137cs] Annie v. Swain
Game was really good started off with a steal on enemy red which gave our irelia first blood and the whole team assist then we went bot and team ganked a TF and turret dove at lvl 1 for kill with no deaths for our team. Once i got to laning I found out it was against a swain. wasnt to sure wat to expect so i went in and poked until i nknew i had a clear advantage, so i zoned him out and when he got close i tibber bombed him and quickly fed myself. Only died because i turret dove swain and the enemy amumu picking up the kill on swain but amumu ult locked me under the turret so i died. Besides that nothing big hapened. Was able to pick up a double kill though, but that isnt anything huge. I get plenty of those. Also Annie, is freakin awesome

Game 10-LVL 27() {win} 8/5/6 [89cs] Karthas V. Fizz
Pretty bad early on. fizz beat me in lane but i was able to catch up because i was running TP and was able to get a couple ganks. then got quadra and enemy team surrendered at 20. Basically that game id count more as a personaly lose then a win but well still a win so cant be to negative about it.

Game 11-LVL 27() {win} 14/6/11 [175cs] Karthas V. Veigar
Boring game. Won my lane, dominated team fights. Did suicide TP into enemy team at the very end though... was fun

Game 12-LVL 27() {win} 17/7/16 [185cs] Annie V. Katarina
Annie>kat Stun in melee range burst walk away=win lane. Plus i was so freakin fed i started of Deathcap. Also tibber bomb is so much burst. helped me win a 1v2 multiple times. woot woot

Game 13 LVL 27() {loss} 9/3/15 [185cs] Morgana V. Veigar
I won mylane pretty easily but our teams vlad just threw the game so hard. He was in mayb 12 team fights but he went off to split push and kept getting 1v4 or 1v5 and dieing before a team fight so we went from a nice 35 min win to a 50min loss cause some people are just dumb

Game 14 LVL 27() {loss} 2/3/2 [169cs] >ezreal</Soraka V. Graves/Alistar
We won our lane just the other lanes fed and we surrendered at 20 mins

Game 15 LVL 27^() {win} 0/1/1 [63] Annie V. Brand
got counter picked and had no help from our jungler. luckily top and bot lanes dominated

Missing games
I didnt list a bunch of games because ive been playin the Free champions for the weak and zyra so i havent been putting up games cause most of them were blind pick so i didnt feel the need to but i am not 29 halfway to 30. Woot Woot