Hello everybody! This is my first blog post because I'm sharing you a recent new about my guides, as you know, they are writen in my native language (Portuguese) and it's very helpful for people that play in EUW (Portugal) and BR (Brasil) but MOBAfire is maainly a English / North America website.

Followed by the feedback that some people gave in the discuss of my guides or with the PM method, I'll working now at translating my guides. I'll keep the Portuguese version in a SPOILER but the main guide will become English...

I have some works in progress, such as my newest Varus guide, the design and content update to my Twitch guide so it will take a while to finish it. First of all i'll finish the Twitch guide update, then I'll translate the guides and I'll publish Varus guide at the same time as I publish the new guide ENG version :)

Feel free to comment this post, all feedback from you, as well as criticism will be well accepted :D Give me your opinion about translating my guides, you agree or disagree? And why?

Thanks in advance,
Die Mofo II