Ah, Ranked Solo Queue.

Where the mass of livestreamers and bragging rights are supplied, with little medals on the League of Legends Official Forum and thousands of viewers for those special few who are able to surpassing the 1800 and 2000ELO mark. Millions play every day, putting their ELO on the line in a battle for elevating greatness.

But I can't do it anymore.

I can attest to myself that I'm a pretty low-rage kind of player. I'll be flexible to play any role for any team. But recently I have found myself playing the Jungle, specifically Malphite since he's my favorite character and he's one of the safest junglers around. What I've sadly noticed is one factor: I can't trust anyone with AD Champs. Every game I run as a Jungler, my AD champion manages to either feed, be hideously out of position, or just AFK's after 2 or 3 deaths. Now what kills me about this is that when you run the role of AD champ, you can't play that kind of game where you just quit: the team needs the AD carry, especially in the later game. Just recently I've had two games in a row where the AD carry decided to AFK since they felt either they just weren't gonna win their lane. But honestly, you're in the game until it ends, you can't start another one, why not just try and farm and get back into the game? People just quit waaaay too early in this game.

Also, why is it that everything is the Jungle's fault? I understand the importance of ganks and covering lanes, but Junglers have to level up as well, and if I'm sitting in the bushes the entire game, I can't level up and stealing experience from lane isn't going to help my teammates either. If bottom lane gets beat out by the opponent, it's not my fault, I wish this was a factor that could be removed from people's minds. The Jungle will help, but I can't win the lane.

And one thing that'll always drive me away from Ranked games, no matter how well I'm doing or how bad of a game I'm having: the community. I've yet to meet one player in 50 something Solo Ranked games that has the decency to encourage a bad player to reviving his game and pointing him in the right direction.

If you die once in your lane, you're a noob.
If you lose your turret since the opposing lane has a better comp, you're a noob.
If the opposing team focuses you with 2-3 doses of CC and you get manhandled, you're a noob.
If your K/D isn't positive, you're a noob.
If you're Jungle and don't pick up everyone's slack, you're a noob.

I could go on for days on this. But the MOBA community, whether it be: LoL, DotA, HoN, etc.; just has the largest sticks up their butt because the believe the 30-60 minutes that they're devoting to the match is graced by God and that if it's wasted, they're given free roam to badmouth whoever they please with whatever they can think of. I spend most of my times in Ranked games trying to help the players having trouble turn around their game, or if I'm having a bad game, trying to calm down everyone freaking out and turning my game around as well. But I feel that no matter how much I try to do, or if anyone joins the cause of being a decent human being during these Ranked games: the fact that this game runs on the Internet, the anonymity and punish-less nature allows people to act like crazy people, insulting with vulgar remarks and racist cruelty and make themselves feel better about themselves, kills any hope I have for any progress to be made in League of Legends specifically.

So I'll be sticking to Normals, and playing some Team Ranked, knowing I can play with some level-headed people like myself will do wonders for this game, because if I had to continue by myself, I dare not allow it to grace my C Drive. To the people here who continue to strive for Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat status in Solo Queue, I wish you well: but given the overall attitude of the people who play Solo Ranked, I just can't continue and feed the monster. Good luck y'all.

TL;DR - I Mad Bro.