They got away again,

You're jungling and getting ready for a gank, you time every thing perfectly, setting up the perfect opportunity to slay the AD carry and allow your team an advantageous lead in the fight. But as you find yourself closing in on the kill, they use a normal skill move, an escape mechanism, and flees swiftly away from the gank without use of Ghost or Flash. For them, it was a simple thought of using a short cooldown move to avoid being ganked. For you, you're kicking yourself for now wasting time and ultimately falling behind in the level race. So am I the only one that feels that for a champion that means so much to the team, that it's a little wrong to give every thing it needs to save itself, rather than depend on teamwork in a team based game?

Ezreal, Caitlyn, Graves, Vayne, Corki: to name a few; these champions are your prime AD carries, out to auto-attack the enemy team to Oblivion, and rack up the last hits to become the ultimate stomper. For them, they must rely on swift concentration for last hits, and superior reflexes to catch enemies out of position or off-guard to make their attack. But even the swiftest of reflexes cannot out-wit the power of an escape mechanism. For most champions, an escape mechanism would require one of their Summoner Spells to be used in order to save their life: Spells like Ghost or Flash being on a several minute cooldown are given to Summoner's to allow one mess up every few minutes. But how is 90 Caliber Net, which is on a 10-18 second cooldown; or Tumble, which is on a 2-6 second cooldown, fair to the other champions who heavily rely on Summoner Spells to avoid danger? AD champions can be the most important aspect of a team, but the way some old and most newer champions are being developed, most AD carries seem to have everything they need in order to keep themselves from danger, allowing more offensive uses of Summoner Spells like Exhaust or Ignite, and giving the AD more flexibility in having a stout game.

So why is it that the AD champions are playing a 1v1 style of game when League of Legends is a 5v5 game? If anything, the AD champions should have to cater to their team's help instead of the team having to cater to the AD champion. One way this could be established, is have the AD champions' escape mechanism tweaked or removed from their kits. For one, it would provide more teamwork among AD Champs.

Right now, AD Champions can continue on doing whatever they please in terms of poking and harassing due to their escape mechanisms being used as gap closers. Support champions who are involved on high mana costs like Galio and Taric have to waste precious mana to avoid being harassed by AD Champs even though it should be the other way around. Support champions should provide the gap-closing and CC needed for AD champions so the AD champs can synergize more with their teammates and build a higher bond with their helper. Right now, we're seeing Support champs sitting in the bush, healing their teammate or providing a stun or two, only to make sure their AD champ is peachy and last hitting, while the AD champ does every thing on his own, promoting "me first" gameplay, and making the Support role a boring role. If AD champions did not have these gap-closer/escape mechanisms, AD champions would be more inclined to develop solid teamwork with their Support champ and/or their Jungler, allowing much more in-tuned ganks and more assists for their teammates. The AD champ would still get Kills and Assists for themselves, but now the entire team is working on one solid frame, rather than the AD champ pushing to no end, then blaming the team for their faults when they get caught.

It also would keep AD champs capable of steadily chasing champions with their kit, not allowing champions to escape them. With the use of Tanks and Support champions, the AD carry should be in the back end of the team fight, acquiring damage against opponents and providing the backbone of a successful fight. But now we're seeing champions like Vayne and Xin Zhao consistently keeping up wish escaping champions by themselves, killing any type of champion with their damage and becoming a one-man army in a team based game. These AD champs should be in the need of characters who are based around stuns and taunts, characters like Rammus and Shen should be providing the proper amount of CC so the AD champs can provide what their kit is intended for, Tons of Damage. Instead, most AD champions can do all of the archetypes of a successful gank by them self, leaving the team to maybe help if the AD champ cannot hit their combo right.

Having AD champions have no escape mechanism would also promote a more team-based game. Think how less aggressive AD champions would be if they had to rely on Flash or Ghost instead of a built-in kit escape mechanism? One would see much smarter play, more communication with their Support and their Jungle, and seeing smarter ganks with more thought put into them, allowing a more enjoyable gameplay when a successful gank comes through, and meaning a much tighter team bond for each team. So we could see AD champions continue to be made with these moves, slowly making Supports less and less intuitive in the lane, or we could lower the AD champs to a more down-to-earth level, and have them be more team based, making every archetype as important as the other. You would see smarter gameplay and more planned out moves, providing a smarter, and more enjoyable League of Legends.