Got my gold back quite easily, first had 4 wins and 4 defeats then won 12 ranked games in a row. With 6/4 I was placed into silver 1 but after those 10 wins more in the row i got also Gold V really fast. Then after that amazing win-streak i found myself in situation where i was only gold in my games and i was faced against platinums and diamonds. MMR was a way better than my actual league-placement. Then i just started getting my accounts on other servers on ranked elo. EUW account OrganizationXII had some difficulties since i had no playable runes and only couple champs i could actually play. Well, I managed to get it in silver 3. Still not as good as that 9/0 w/l i got in last season. While on my NA-account divic I won 2 first games and lost 3rd one while playing against platinum and challenger on unranked account that has never been ranked on any elo. That was a bit weird.

Soon after getting Gold V on my main, my mmr started to drop down. I just couldn't beat those games anymore. Those 4 platinums on my team were just too confident and fed enemy diamonds having something like 3/10 each while i had always maybe 3/2, positive kda anyways. Well, then I was starting to play bad also. Took a long time to get Gold IV, failed promos three times and succeed on 4th try. My picks have been stabilized as a supports. Blitzcrank as a primary pick. I am good at pulling wonder pulls and yesterday I stole 2 Nashors in a same game with Blitz's ultimate.