I actually played it when I was on winter break and didn't bring my laptop with me, but brought my iPad instead.

Well, um.

I'll give you my review of it from that period.

It's definitely pay-to-win. So much payment necessary to do well. The controls are meh, since you literally only have one method of clicking. The abilities are lined up on the right (don't know if there is a lefty version, sorry lefties) and you move and attack just by tapping the main screen.

The items are probably more DOTA-ish. Obv, no blinkdagger or Flash, since there's no way to guide those skills, at least I didn't know of it. I remember I could find a wandering shop to buy potions, and there were jungle mobs. I don't know much beyond that, since I spent most of my time playing...something I remember was a cow. That or he was like Alistar. I had no idea what I was doing.

Oftentimes, matchmade games put me in with chinese people, who would disconnect 10 minutes in.

It's VERY difficult to communicate, being an iPad and all.