lulzy bot game for FWOD

Playing Janna. Have Vayne, Udyr, Ryze, and Dr. Mundo on my team.

Enemy team is Udyr, Sivir, Zilean, Brand, and someone I didn't see enough to care about.


Zilean tries to engage on me and Mundo pushing bottom lane in midgame. At this point in time, I have Boots of Swiftness, Enchantment: Captain, and a Lv4 Zephyr. So while he can get away from Dr. Mundo, he can't get away from me.

Who brings Dr. Mundo along for the ride.

Zilean goes down after launching his ulti (no surprise). Except...I'm standing in front of him.


Have fun with Dr. Mundo~

This happened 3 times in that game. lulzy.