What changed?
There was a lot of buffs this and very few nerfs this patch, to mostly champions, and a few items. However not too many changes are going to effect bot lane this patch. With that being said i'm going to only look at the changes that I think will have a impact on bot this patch.

I think the following will have a impact on bot:
- Lux mana refund on Final Spark increased, easier to get refund.
- Guinsoo's Rageblade cost 300 more gold.
- Ninja Tabi grants less armor, but basic attack damage reduction is increased
- Relic Shield and its upgrades have less passive gold income
- Resolve tree now grants less health early, more health late.
- Manaflow Band changed, now grants increased max mana. Once getting 10 stacks increases mana regeneration.
- Zombie Ward nerfed at all ranks.
- Approach Velocity speed percentage increased
- Melee minions and siege minions are worth more gold, caster minions are worth less.

The biggest change to me is the Manaflow Band change and Relic Shield change. At face value this may seem like a nerf to both of these, but is actually a hidden buff. Manaflow Band is now a much more skilled based and less brain dead rune. While it is less useful in the early game it is actually more reliable and consistent in the mid to late game compared to the old version.

With Relic Shield while it did get directly nerfed it got indirectly buffed. The increase gold worth of siege and melee minions is a huge buff to tank supports, as long as they actually go for siege and melee minions instead of casters. This gives tank supports a lot more gold early on and strengthens their early game, which is when they have the most impact. While this does mean their gold income in the mid to late game is decreased, it can be overlooked since supports, in general, are most effective in the early game.

How does bot lane look?

Bot is a bit of a mixed bag at the moment, which is a good thing. While there are of course some who stand out from the others, I can say that there is not a single champion in either the ADC or support role that is absolute trash. Overall burst champions are being played the most in the ADC role ( Jhin, Ezreal, and Kai'Sa are the most popular ), but team fighting champions seem to be doing the best. In the support role the champions that are least played are some of the highest win rate champions while the most played are closer to the lowest win rates.

This is due to something else completely, but TLDR, Hakuho, the support for Clutch Gaming, went crazy on Thresh and now everyone is a Thresh player.

Strong ADCS

52.1% Winrate
60.8% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Kai'sa takes this spot simply because she is a bit over powered in my opinion. Icathian Rain is both a great wave pusher and poking tool, especially when it is upgraded. Void Seeker is both a great scouting tool and a plasma stack tool, which helps keep track of enemies in the jungler and could be a flashy last hit tool. Her most important tool would have to be Killer Instinct. While not good in a teamfight, it is amazing if she finds herself in a 1 vs 1 or even in smaller fights. Overall she is great at snowballing and has a versatile kit!

51.2% Winrate
3% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Jinx is great in this meta due to her Switcheroo!. The ability to push down towers with her Pow-Pow ( The minigun ) and switch to Fishbones ( The Rocket Launcher ) for both poking and teamfights, makes her another great snowball pick and one who has a lot of range to keep her safe in team fights!

50.2% Winrate
23.8% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Xayah is a very sneaky champ, in the sense that people often underestimate her burst in the early game. Bladecaller is a sneaky way to secure kills in the early game if the enemies do not keep track of where your feathers from Clean Cuts land. It is also a great CC tool in teamfights and can be used to help Xayah peel for herself. Bonus points for Featherstorm since it helps Xayah stay alive in a very effective way.

Strong Supports

52.8% Winrate
2.3% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

This meta is all about winning bot lane and using the snowball from botlane to win the game. With that being said, Nami is one of the best supports to pick, when the early game is the winning phase of the game. Ebb and Flow and Tidecaller's Blessing help Nami and her ADC stay healthy and trade very well. Later, her Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave helps Nami players peel for their ADC and follow up a engage!

52.4% Winrate
12% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Janna is the safe pick of this meta. Howling Gale and Monsoon are amazing disengage tools, which help deny enemy snowball lanes. Follow this up by Eye of the Storm and Zephyr being great for poking/trading in lane and you have a great blind pick for solo que.

50.6% Winrate
17.4% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Morgana is often picked for her extremely valuable Black Shield. While this is very valuable, it is her moderate carry potential that lands her this spot. Tormented Shadow is a good and underrated way to push in the wave in the early game, and can also be used in combination with Dark Binding to deal some extra damage. Dark Binding is also great for zoning the enemy lane and of course as a pick tool.

Hidden gems

49% Winrate
1% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Shen is a pleasure pick from my own pool of champions and one that I think is underrated. Twilight Assault is a great pushing/trading tool and works very well against other melee supports. Shadow Dash is a great engage tool and good peeling tool, that goes very well with Spirit's Refuge as it will help block out the enemy ADC's auto attacks. While this kit is very good in lane it is Stand United that makes Shen stand out. While most supports are tied down to the botside of the map, this allows Shen to be a tool for the top laner as well! This makes him a global threat to the enemy team and allows his team to be very strong after he hits level 6.


Overall I think bot lane is in a fine spot. This lane currently has a huge impact on the game and I would argue the most impact out of all lanes. Support mains can pretty much play anybody at the moment, without it being a absolutely horrible pick. For ADC mains the pool is a bit smaller, but no single champion is way better than the other champions. Metas are best when there is no God tier champions that can be played in any play style and composition. Overall I think this meta is both a fun one and healthy one!

ADC Health: B+
Support Health: A+
Overall enjoyment: A
Final Grade: A