Hiya, so recently I have decided to reflect on my ranking experience, and hopefully give tips and advice that I had wished that I had picked up on earlier to make my experience more pleasant. In this blog I would like to focus on raging just like the title suggests. Firstly, I'm not a person to rage but my observation of others raging has concluded me to attempt to stop it. I believe the being a bystander to someone raging at another fellow comrade that is struggling is almost as bad as you doing it yourself. Overall there are the negative effects that your should be aware of, splitting up the team synergy and causing the victim to perform worse are a few key reasons that are created from raging. Majority of the time when someone steps in during a heated argument both players begin to realize how obnoxious and childish they sound and will most likely end up being quiet or even apologizing, e.g. "I wasn't targeting him, I was just trying to say that play was bad". These are great results as it can end the start of a massive argument that could ultimately cost you the game. So next time you see an argument arising in both normal or ranked, attempt to voice your view and put a end to it before you and your team regret it.
P.S everyone has bad games, its whether you admit that it was your fault rather then blaming others then attempt to improve on it that truly counts
P.P.S Hopefully this short blog has helped with a few things, and it is much appreciated if you leave a comment or question so that I can answer them. Also sharing, reping or viewing my guides help me a lot.

Dugiedugie, cheers