So i have the worst elo ever these days and my friends i do believe in elo hell but i sure as hell believe there is a way out of it. Now i see elo hell as anything under 1100 elo if ur elo gets below 700 u might as well stop playing league of legends well ranked anyway. My elo is about 800 at the moment i know terible right? but the things is at the start no one told me how this ranking actualy works how the formation usualy works. How great diference good and bad bans can make o and ofc the fact that u lost 10 elo everytime u leave que. now luckily u dont lose elo for that anymore. Becos believe it or not but thats why my elo is so low cos i have about a 50% win ratio. Now my advice to all the people that believes all of their allies is just noob. FARM LIKE HELL.... if u or any of your team doesnt get FB get that farm on the go. now a good farm is about 120-150 at 20 minutes. at 30 minuets u must be looking at about 200+. junglers doesnt usualy get this farm but thats cos they shouldnt be farming they should be ganking. the other thing for low elo junglers. Get that oracles. a support usualy already has no money and oracles can insure a lot more unexpected ganks and goodly pulled of once. O and junglers pls dont turet dive level 3 and give away FB. as soon as element of surprise is ruined and u have no cc just let the gank go. If they flashed or healed or whatever its succesfull.
all over i think the easiest way to win a game is a lot of good team pushes getting a early turet with a 4vs 2 or 4vs 1 in a lane push helps a lot early game. and when u see ur mid enemy leave his lane try to folow him or atleast ward close by so u can see what he is up to. just calling ss has no use. So my time is up have fun climbing out of elo hell. D+