I don't feel like writing much so I'm just gonna post on the path to becoming better.

IMO there are two important factors

1) Mechanics; knowing the game

2) Knowing your champion

A path most high elo players / professional players went through was first learning one champion they're really good at (aka starting out as one-trick ponies), and then learning mechanics as they get better.

Of course you can do the other way around, but it's definitely more difficult and boring.

Most people say they already know some champs really well when they generally don't, so you want to make sure you know them before jumping into mechanics. It gets kinda hard to self-evaluate and improve if you're trying to practice both and have major mistakes in both. And when I mean know your champion I mean be able to seize every opportunity to get kills while also not dying and be able to know when you can 1v2, 1v3, or even 1v4 (WITH RIVEN YEAAAA).

Self evaluating and learning from mistakes is fairly easy if you're looking at one aspect. It's kind of hard to try to make sure you don't make similar mistakes again if youre looking at multiple aspects.

EG: You lead a teamfight and it failed. If you're looking at multiple aspects, you can say it failed because 1) you overestimated your champions capabilities, and 2) you stuck on wrong targets on wrong times. It would be hard to learn to make perfect calls next time as you won't remember everything when you're forced to make a split second decision. However, if you're only looking at one aspect, for example, champion capabilities, it's relatively easier to know when you're able to and not able to teamfight. Simply said, it's more forgiving and it's easier to improve through learning one champion's capabilities and adapting to that.

I recommend learning one champ first and then learn the game mechanics with that one champ to the extreme before you try to learn multiple champs to a limited level.

Of course if you're playing ranked, get at least one or two champs in each role to a certain level and then hardcore learn one champ.

and this is really messy i apologize for that

heads hurting a lot :P