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FatelBlade's Mobafire Blog

12 Apr
Have you ever stopped and wondered whether being gay is morally wrong? This is an argument brought up often in the southern US, where politicians and common folk alike agree and state that it is immoral to be gay. I do not believe this, as anyone is allowed to like anything they would like. If so, however, what is the justification used to reach this conclusion?

This is open to anyone, no matter your views. You will not be attacked for commenting no matter what you believe. I would simply like to find and follow the reasoning used to reach this conclusion, so that I may be able to...
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16 Feb
The amount of activity on the forums has been so low for so long, with some sections not getting posts for weeks. I miss the times where there was a constant stream of posts.
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide