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Posted a Comment: May 16th, 2014
"Awesome, thanks. And rather than apply life steal, I think that should probably read "anything that would apply on-hit effects". And as such it probably triggers from GP's pistol too."
Posted a Comment: May 16th, 2014
"Just a warning for anyone trying this build: Never attempt it against Lee Sin.
Cripple just slaughters Braum, because of the attack speed reduction, meaning it takes ages to fire off your passive, by which time you're probably near dead."
Asked a Question: May 16th, 2014
It's been done, and while it's not exactly a super-strong combo, it can be very effective. Works well with a Teemo too, who's stealth in the middle of a lane (say under a tower) while the enemy ADC...
Asked a Question: May 16th, 2014
Had some spare gold last game, so I decided to build a thornmail on Braum (playing as support)
But the thing is, I'm not sure if it actually works as such. He destroys the projectiles, before...
Posted a Comment: May 15th, 2014
(Sorry for another block of text, I didn't notice this comment XD)
Another solution (although much less recommended) is to stop building suppo"