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IcarianWings's avatar


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Rep: Remarkable (20)
Status: Offline
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IcarianWings's Mobafire Blog

15 May
Okay, so today I got my first tutoring session from DuffTime. Pretty exciting. Also, best voice. 10/10, would recommend.

Screenshots of awesome:
Looking forward to the next sessions!
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14 May

Views: 914 Music on the Battlefield

Alright, just sharing what I listen to when I play League. I've turned off the default BGM since I find it to be a bit dull and monotone-ish.

Fields of Justice.

To any readers, what do you do? Do you just leave the default BGM on? Do you not listen to any accompanying music at all? Or do you have your own songs you listen to? Feel free to share!

Ica out.
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League of Legends Champions:

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