Yay, summer time is about to start! After weeks and weeks of pityful rain I can finally enjoy the sun! I can't wait, I will list some things I will do:

- Go sit outside and tan (too radiant! xD). While doing so, pick up my GameBoy Advance and finish the first 3 series of Pokemon (Leaf Green, Gold, Sapphire) once again.
- Go away for 2 weeks, though I have internet available so I will still bother you :P
- Don't play any multiplayer games, which is good because all I recently do is rage...
- Maybe I will write some stuff, dunno. Maybe a new guide, maybe a script that I can use when I finally make that game... No promises here :)

Just curious, what will you do this summer? Going on a holiday, or already went? Share stories and pics please! :D