Hello everyone!

We all know reporting system, plenty of people wrote about it already (myself included), so for today, let's have a change and look into the whole Honoring System. Just in case, before I jump to the main topic, quick recap for starters:

Helpful - you give this to your team mate, who helps you in game by giving you advice (what to build, what is important, why you should do "this" instead of "that"...)

Friendly - another honor for your friendly team mate. It is a player you enjoy playing with, because he/she is not toxic, is nice, cheers you up after your failure, keeps the team spirit alive, and the morale high (or at least tries). Or someone who settle down a rising conflict between team mates.

Teamwork - I call it Teemowork, and you should give this to your team mate, who cooperates. Even if you lose, if someone was evidently doing their best, followed the lead and tried everything in their capabilities to help. Sometimes, if a player is bad, it is hard to see if they were teamworkers, but if you look closely, you can usually distinguish between trolls, and unskilled player who tries their best.

Honorable Opponent - the only honor you can give to your enemies. It is for people who wins against you, but don't call you noob, don't say GG EASY after your nexus blows up, and generally are nice throughout the whole game.


At the beginning, I got plenty of +Teamwork honors from my friends, no matter how I played. Even after we played Coop vs AI - they honored me. And I don't think that is right. Slowly, I managed to explain to them, that honoring me "just because we are friends" is no good.

Especially after a game, where I performed terribly. Just because your team won, it doesn't mean you have to give +Teemo to all your premade friends, or all the team mates. If they palyed selfishly (like harvesting lanes while team fight was going on in another lane, or going solo dragon when it was obvious the enemy team is going for it too) or bad, they don't deserve the honor.

For a moment forget that he/she is your friend and just ask yourself - did this person contribute to our victory? Was their gameplay focused on teamwork? Did they do a good call, or followed the basic summoner's code and gameplay rules? If yes, then honor them. If not, why do it?

Another situation - if you lose. No matter what, you lose some games. But that again - is not a reason to not honor your team mates. If you were outplayed or the enemy went lucky in the final team fight (or baron dance or whatever), but your teammates performed well, I don't see the reason for not honoring them. Especially if they don't blame the rest of the team and don't swear at the enemy.


This is a tough one. Months before, if I lost a game, I just ragequit the post game lobby, or if we had trolls/ragers, I reported them. But I never gave honor to my opponents. Why should I? Bastards just beat the **** out of me. Fck them, right?

Then one epxerience changed my point of view.
I was just finishing reporting my team mate, who went into the full caps rage and flaming, after he died to a superior oponent midlaner few times, when the enemy support approached me in the chat. Asked me why I bought certain items and why I did what I did in game, and then explained to me why it was wrong. Gave me few tips and wished good luck before he disconnected. I gave him my first Honorable Opponent acknowledgement ever.

I realized, just because my enemy is better, it doesn't mean they don't deserve the respect. Nowadays, after a game, I always ask myself or premade team mates, if there was someone on the enemy team, who deserves the honor. It was a hard thing to teach them, but it work!!

At first, they all were like me: "They? Good? No, fcuk them, ******s." Slowly I statrted to work on their mindsets. It was pretty interesting to see how their thinking changed. I remember one breaking point very vividly:

Me: So, what about this Lux? She got 16/6/7, looks good to me.
Friend (midlaner): No, she sucked, She just went lucky few times.
Me: few tiems? You feed her with 5 kills in 14 minutes. That is beyond luck.
Friend: I'm telling you, she was bad. Fcking lucker.
Me: So how is it you walked in all her snares? And late game I saw her, she was pretty good with them.
Friend: Well, maybe she wasn't that bad.
Me: Ok, I'm honoring her
Friend 2: Me too, she was good
Friend: Ok, I honor her and fck you, guys :D

Just few weeks later, my labour brought its first fruit.

Afterwards they really started to think about the enemy gameplay and acknowledge if we were outplayed, and who on the enemy team deserves the honor.

I think this is the best way how to say - Mate, you played really good. I enjoyed the game very much and hope next time, you will be on my team :) It's something like virtual pat on the shoulder.

Of course, there are games we throw, or the enemy is clearly bad and they just get lucky, because we do such a mistake, that anybody can capitalize on. In those cases, no honors are given. But if there is a good enemy player, they get our honor. I'm really proud of this success.

Lately I took another step further and started to communicate with the enemy bit more. If they are friendly, we joke around. If not, after a good play I just tell them something along the lines of "wp Rengar" or "didn't see that coming, Lux, gj". And ofc honor them afterwards, if they don't get cocky (sometimes they respond like "yeah, cause you sux ; ofc wp, you noob") or don't say easy.

Fun fact is - since I started doing this, I get much more Honorable Opponents than ever before :D

After all the **** that was going on around me, and what I saw in game, I think is time to take another step to brightening the community. And as always, the best way to start, is to start from yourself. This was my start, it works in most of the cases and if I gave you something to think about (or if you can take something of this to your games), I'll be more than happy.

See you later,
and never forget - You only have to click once, summoners. ;)