Hello everybody!

Few days ago I got an idea about a new summoner spell, that I would like to present to you.


Icon: either open or closed eye

Summoner level: 12

Suported Game Modes: Classic, League of Legends Dominion

Description: Render your champion invisible for a short duration of time.

  • Duration of invisibility: 0.5 +(0,1 per champion level) seconds, total of 2,3 sec at lvl 18
  • Using the spell: after using this spell it should either have some animation (like Shaco's puff when he use his Q) or sound, so you know that person just used his/her summoner
  • Casting: instant
  • Cooldown: 220
  • Range: 0 (you just become invisible)
  • While invisible: you can still get hit by AoE or skillshots, but those do not cancel your invisibility, you just take dmg.
  • Disabling the invisibility: by coming to a range of a Vision Ward, Greater Vision Totem ward, with Clairvoyance or Scrying Orb (and all its better versions),

What good this may do?
It may be a new *** saving spell that can bring something new to the game, and most of all - it can make the Clairvoyance and Scrying Orb viable purchases. Nobody uses these, as they are useless, but with introducing Blink as a new spell, that may change.

Only problem is Sweeping Lens trinket as it reveals invisible stuff, but for the sake of this article, let's say it wouldn't work against Blink, as it is a summoner spell, not the ability or a passive of a champion.

What bad this may do?
It can boost already invisible champions like Rengar, Kha'Zix or Shaco, or junglers that doesn't need Flash. Because of that I recommend not so long spell duration, and long cooldown. It should be used to save yourself or deceive the enemy primarily. So if the jungler decides to use it for ganking, then he has to wait a long time for cooldown and may get toasted for not having the Flash.

Now as I think about it - it could strenghten the gank potential of slow, or nowadays not popular junglers (like Udyr, Nasus, Warwick, Nautilus and so on), but the danger of not having Flash is maybe too strong.

So - could this be a viable thing in game? What do you think, peoeple?