Hello everybody!

Today I was thinking about jungle routes for the new season. Still I can't find any blog, site or video about how to walk the woods in new season. So these are my conclusions:

Full jungle

- blue buff > wight > wolves > wraiths > red buff > golems

Now this one is really greedy and selfish way. I use it when I feel like my team is strong and intelligent enough to play defensively. Later on I make it up for them with often ganks.

PROS: you end up as lvl 4 with about 850 gold. If you get help with first buff, some champs end up with 1 Health Potion left, which means you can possibly just go gank bot (if blue) or top (if purple).

CONS: you spend a lot of time in jungle, without any chance for help, gank or counter gank. If you don't do it right or play with squishy jungler, you have to recall - therefore you are not helping your lanes for few more minutes.

Early gank

- blue buff > wraiths > red buff (or vice versa)

If you have a champ that can gank at lvl 3 effectively (I guess most of them can). If you skip wraiths, you can gank as lvl 2 (I did it with Xin Zhao, ganked with my E and Q kombo... it worked)

PROS: you don't give the enemy laner a chance to start. If you get assist, you help your lane to get stronger and deny enemy CS. If you get a kill, it is still OK, but at the beginning I think laners should get the kills. Not a jungler.

CONS: you don't have time to jungle. And if you don't get assist/kill, you just wasted time and let the enemy jungler grow stronger than you. If you try to make it up for it by taxing the lane, you still don't get that much gold and exp, and you hurt your laner/s as well.


- blue buff > wolves > scare enemy mid laner > red buff > golems

I do this when I see my mid suck and is being pushed under the tower. I just scare the enemy off, freeze the lane and tell my mider to get the wraiths to get some exp and gold so he may have a chance against the enemy.

PROS: you don't loose that much and if it helps your team mate, why not?

CONS: you loose some early exp and gold, for which you have to make up someplace else.

So, these are my 3 types of starting jungle routes. After that I go TESCO and from there I do whatever necessary - either jungling in the part of woods that are close to the lane I am going to gank, visit the enemy jungle, or babysitt problematic lane to get a kill and then asap as the enemy comes back, to kill him again just to piss him off :D

For the end of this part of today's blogpost I have a one big question related to the newest jungle addition:

To Witght or Not to Wight?
I personally struggle with this fella. At lvl 2 he is pretty hard to fight, if I don't have CC like Sky Splitter, heal (i.e. Battle Cry) or Udyr I find it pretty unforgiving monster. He hits hard, I use whole Health Potion (even 2 if I fck up) and to kill him feels like it takes forever. All in all I'm still not sure if I should do this monster right after the buff. Gold and exp are nice, but the killing time and cost in potions... maybe it's really not worth it at all.


And now those 2 ideas I promised.

As an example I will use Volibear in both examples, cause the second one is only about him. But the first one applies to all jungler champions, and all junglers I saw so far.

1. Third level ability
I've seen it in every video I was watching about junglers. Everybody does it and I don't get it. Usually you have 2 abilities for jungling. With Voli they are his E - Sky Splitter and W - Frenzy . You start with E, then your W - but why the hell on lvl 3 you put your skill point into Q - Thundering Smash???

I never saw anyone use Voli's Q to close distance between camps or while clearing. Unless you go for a gank at lvl 3, why waste that skill point in totally useless ability? For that moment I mean. I think you should max your E or W instead and get Q only at lvl 4 or 5 (depends if you are going to do pre6 gank or not). With 2xW + E (or W + 2xE) you speed up your clearing time and someone said - in jungle every second matters.

And this applies to all players and all junglers I saw on YT so far. Some junglers may profit from Q W E combination, but Voli? Or Xin? (his E is usable for jungling but again - nobody uses it). I just don't understand why people takes i.e. Vi, at lvl 3 put a point into her Q - and then don't use it for farming (and you can use it for speeding up the clear times)

2. Majestic Roar
This one is about Volibear only. I've seen everyone (on videos and in game) doing the same: wait for buff, E, AA. But I think there is a bette way and you can do it on all jungle monsters.

When you AA a monster, it takes about 1 second until they hit you back. So I reckon switching the order for: wait for buff, AA, E. Like this you can get one free hit, before the roar starts ticking. And that may speed up things a little bit. It's not much, but if you do it with all your camps, during the whole game... I guess you can save up some time when clearing. (and now just tell me everybody is doing it like this and I just didn't watch them properly... :D)

This is it, mates, I'm going to sleep now because I don't even know what am I writing about anymoar... see you later ;)