Hello everyone!

As S4 is approaching, I made for myself a few step preparaiton plan about what I need to do before S4. It involves some training, learning game mechanics and heroe's abilities and such, and in the end I thought I should set a goal for my final ranking in PvP.

So I thought for a moment and then set my final score to Bronze IV.

(I wouldn't mind Gold or Diamond, of course, but I thought I should start slowly and humbly, not to expect much so I won't feel dissapointed if I fail)

Then I started to play a bit more PvP, progressed towards level 30, bought all the runes I need for my 2 main champs... and the more I played, the more I was dissapointed. Doesn't matter if you play with - or against bronze or even silver players, they all do the same mistakes as I do. Even some premade groups. Trollpicks, team toxicity, basic mistakes - I saw it all and I think in ranked, there will be even bigger tension, as everyone wants to win and climb the ladder. There were exceptions, of course, but not so many.

So I thought for another moment and then set my final goal to Bronze I.

And then came the awakening. I have this guy in my friend list, that I know from somewhere else. He is playing support as well. In S3 he ended up in Silver V division in Solo/Duo queue. And since seeing is believing, here are, for enlightening, his rune pages.

The first one, named AP, is really as it says - AP :D And he uses that for Sona and Soraka. And since I saw in his stats he played Thresh as well, I think he used this one for him as well.

About his ADC page I am not even going to talk :D

Later on I discovered that he put some of his great gameplay videos on YouTube, while playing Sona with his friends. Of course, he posts only those when he wins (so there is not so many). :P If you don't mind Czech language, you may watch a bit of his video I especially liked:

UPDATE: Just now me and my mates invited him for a game. He went for Soraka and again - no heal, ate all adc farm, jungle and every lane creep he could, ulted only if he was going to die... and while he fed bot and bought troll items, called top noobs.

We lost that game and in post-game lobby he rage-quitted the whole LoL client :D So. After seeing this runes, videos and his masteries, and remembering him being Silver V...

...I thought for the last time and then set my final goal to Silver III.

Seriously, seeing him suck so much, and seeing some other Silver III and II players suck harder than a new girlfriend, it really boosted my morale and removed any fear I had from Silver division players. Even though I am not going to underestimate them, I think I can make it up through Bronze, even though I have not so much time to play.

And if I won't get at least to Silver, I think I have to uninstall this game and start to do some gardening or something like it...

Hope you guys enjoyed this bit of a laugh before whatever you are going to do and hopefuly - see you on the battlefield soon! ;)