Views: 973 Ranked climb and Lee Sin mechanics
So, It's been a while and I have decided that I'm gonna d some more ranked and try and get myself to silver, I have decided to mainly play top and mid seeing as I actually have good Jax, Irelia and Elise mechanics for top (tri force buff op for the 2 former) and I (usually) have huge amounts of success with my Lux mid. I might be making a ranked journey thread but it probably won't get any views so cbf for the time being.
On to the next part of this post, I have recently picked up Lee Sin and was wondering if anyone had some tips to using him as I'm not the greatest lee player around but I enjoy playing him. Any little piece of advice would be greatly appreciated and have a +rep going to the helpful person that posted the tip.
On to the next part of this post, I have recently picked up Lee Sin and was wondering if anyone had some tips to using him as I'm not the greatest lee player around but I enjoy playing him. Any little piece of advice would be greatly appreciated and have a +rep going to the helpful person that posted the tip.
As Embracing said, Hydra is a wonderful item when ahead beacuse it gives you more AoE, burst and sustain. Now you can QQ > Cleave for tha killz
If you're playing him @jungle i have a miniguide about jungling with a lee sin cheatsheet (shameless self advertising)
If you're playing him top you can try rushing hydra when ahead and rushing tanky items when behind
Normally you'll use Q to start a duel because your 2nd q can follow gapclose and makes it go on cooldown earlier so you can use it to chase when its back up
Edit: lol tehasian didnt see your post, I will give it a go.
Smartcast helps greatly.
A pretty cool combination is to land Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike onto an opponent, dash to them, place a ward, Safeguard / Iron Will to it then Dragon's Rage them back. It's a very strong gank / teamfight combination for creating a lot of distance to your target.
Keep in mind he falls off late game, so provide a lot of pressure to lanes.
He is also a very competent counter jungler because of his ability to clear waves quickly and is able to escape quickly.
My last tip would be to read a few Lee Sin guides!
Goodluck in your journey!