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Asked a Question: Feb 24th, 2017
This guide? just go top and dont buy the jungle item 100% critical strike chance +...
Asked a Question: Feb 10th, 2017
Hello i got a problem! My problem is: I got 3 chest and get one in 2 days (I dont wanna have 4 because then the timer stops) So i...
Asked a Question: Nov 15th, 2016
Hello Friend.
If you really wanna climb the ladder then dont think about winrates/wins & looses! if you play to win you will get mad when you loose and end up tilting. You gotta have fun,...
Asked a Question: Nov 15th, 2016
Hello tytyboro1
Well if you wanna deal the most dmg, go Ivern jungle! Even with a 0/20/0 you will deal most dmg, because of his Friend of the Forest oneshots jungle monsters so the...
Asked a Question: Oct 6th, 2016
Rotating Game Modes (every Weekend), No More Dominion!, Uhhhm I am not good to Remember but here is atleast 2 things :)
Asked a Question: Sep 25th, 2016
Hey there, i would just ask you if you had some good carry champions in high silver to low gold. i am currently silver II and i got all champs, my goal is to get to gold this season.
Thanks for...
Posted a Comment: Aug 10th, 2016
Hello Nice Guide,
But why not go skirmisher's sabre with Enchantment: Bloodrazor when going/maxing Tiger Stance instead of enchantment: Warrior i feel like true dmg + 4% maximum hp + the 50% AA from Enchantment: Bloodrazor might be better.
But i am also silver IV - II, (Go"
Posted a Comment: Jul 22nd, 2016
"Why not use 6x Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction and 3 Greater Glyph of Ability Power, Because 20% CDR (RUNES 15% AND MASTERIES 5%) + 30% from items (Zhoniya/Ionian/Lich) = 50% CDR
While if you take 6x Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction you get 15% CDR (RUNES 10% AN"
Posted a Comment: Jul 4th, 2016
"Great Guide; but i miss a rylais , Maby as last item as it gives 400 HP and 100 AP + Your E will Permaslow Enemies :D"