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Kazega's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Memorable (75)
Status: Offline
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Kazega's Mobafire Blog

25 Aug

Views: 1126 Quest to 1200

Well I've been on a ranked kick as of late, and pretty soon I'll be working to get my ELO up to a "respectable level" As of right now it is sitting at a dismal 965 or something like that. So now I will be using this nifty blog feature to better track my ELO changes and possibly vent a little bit. Don't expect too much for a while since I am on Vacation. bu tduring this vacation time I hop eto learn another Solo Mid CHampion ( Cassiopeia) and possibley Sona since I will be attending PAX.
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21 Jul

Views: 646 I'm back bitches

after a long time of... not being here I have decided to come back and have a rocking good time here. So yeah... I am back
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28 Nov
that makes me not want to live on this planet anymore:

here I am busting working hard on a guide that is well thought out and actually worth something when I come across a competing guide that is absolute ********* and it is rated higher than mine is. Seriously I am tired of all these one post comments granting up votes when a build is complete ****. Look at this pile of vomit and seriously tell me it deserves the rating it has. I don't think so so I down voted it and explained why I did....
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11 Nov
Hey All:

In the USA/Canada it is Veteran's/Remembrance day. I just thought I would like everyone who reads this to take some time and rember all the military that is currently active, either by helping to defend a border, or going out and assisting other nations whether it would be in the Middle East, Africa, or anywhere else in the world.

I would also like to take this opportunity to broadcast that I am in fact a Veteran. I am a member of the United states Air Force as an Aircraft Mechanic. I have had a hand in several different areas of the world, either directly or indirectly. I...
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