
Top: Shyvana vs Gangplank
Middle: Sion vs Swain
Bottom: Miss Fortune and Alistar vs Kog'maw and Ryze
Jungle: Shaco vs Fiddlesticks


Pretty interesting game, looked like it was going to be a rough one.

Started out normal as ever, no first blood action.

The Kog'maw - Ryze combo was a premade and was actually very tricky to deal with. Luckily I was Alistar so I could babysit the Miss Fortune pretty well and we had alot of support from both Shaco and Sion throughout the game.

First blood happened bottom lane, as Shaco was setting up for a gank in their tri-bush, boxing it up while Miss Fortune was pushing the lane up. Fiddlesticks wanted to come in for a gank but ran into the sea of boxes and died. As I went to help Shaco who was low health and under attack by Ryze, Miss Fortune actually died by Kog'maw, who we then easily picked up giving us 2 kills for 1.

The game got pretty scary when Shaco went mid for a gank on Swain and Swain somehow killed them both.
Top lane Shyvana was dominating Gangplank pretty hard, tower diving him a couple of times, never really having trouble with him.

The game turned back in our favor when Sion and Shaco came for a gank bottom. As they arrived, I flash Pulverize'd both Ryze and Kog'maw picking up 2 easy kills for us. Fiddlesticks came out of nowhere ulting, but I was quick to punt him out of the group and we picked up that kill as well. Swain also came bottom to feed us another kill while top Shyvana dove Gangplank once against giving us a 16 minute ace.
At this point, Swain and Gangplank went AFK and the game ended as a 20 minute surrender.

WIN-LOSS: 56-52