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Khazem's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Prominent (191)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 20387 [user_id] => 99784 [achievement_id] => 8 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 361176 [display_order] => 2 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-02-20 17:08:28 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 20386 [user_id] => 99784 [achievement_id] => 45 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 361176 [display_order] => 3 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2015-03-18 21:50:03 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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Khazem's Mobafire Blog

15 Dec
So I have been in a massive slump lately. It's been going for a while but it hadn't really bothered me/been as apparent as it's getting right now.

The main cause of this is pretty simple. After searching for a champion/role to play for an entire season, finally finding one and putting everything I had into her (Riven), I am now unable to play her due to her massive increase in popularity in high elo solo queue and as a result the perma ban she pretty much has now. I didn't really have a plan B either. I had a few back up champs that I enjoyed playing when Riven wasn't available but as...
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11 Nov
hi friends

I haven't made one of these blog things in a while but I just had some things on my mind that I felt like sharing.

I went into this season without really setting a specific goal. I had reached platinum about halfway through season 2 and figured if I just played a decent amount of games I'd probably get to diamond. As it turned out, there were a lot of factors that let to 'just getting diamond' not being as easy as I believed it was going to be.

Besides some pretty frequent computer/internet issues, my main problem throughout the season was me not being able to stick with...
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04 Jul

Views: 2190 whyyy

The one thing in life that bothers me the most is people putting spaces in front of their questionmarks. In fact, every time I stop to thing about why people would possibly do it, it just makes me want to punch something cute with a sledgehammer.

So why do people do it? What could possibly make people think it's supposed to be like that? Do people nowadays just not get any education?

I'm just trying to understand the thought process behind it. Maybe if someone can explain to me why someone might do it, I can stop getting upset about it. It just looks so ****ing ******ed.

pls stop...
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13 Feb

Views: 1348 Archived my guides

As some of you may have noticed, I've decided to archive all of my remaining guides as I'm simply too lazy to keep them up to date. Specifically in the case of my Diana guide I just didn't play the champion anymore so I'm not really the right guy to have the top rated guide for her.
If any of you still have any questions about Elise (or any other top lane related questions) feel free to add me in game. I might just start some kind of mentoring thing instead, who knows.
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19 Jun

That's 3 games out of 5 played that day. All of them would have been penta kills if not for someone taking the last kill.

Clean up their entire team, end up 1 to 1 with a Gangplank who has 300~ health, he flashes on top of me and I die while my auto attack that would kill him was in...
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Teamfight Tactics Guide