So last night I dreamed that Lissandra had been released, and being still groggy when I woke up, immediately rushed to my computer to buy her. Much to my displeasure, I soon discovered it had all been a dream, like a terribly cliché book ending (lazy too).

So why I am shouting this out to the (MOBAFire)world? Because I dream about LoL and DoTA 2 a lot, but no other games, and I have played other games a lot longer than these two. Why no Warcraft dreams? Or Pokémon, or Legend of Zelda? Or what about all the books I read?

Perhaps it's because of the degree of thought that I put into LoL. I'm no pro player, or even particularly good, but I constantly analyse what I do and what the other 9 players do both during and after the match. I try to manipulate my laning opposition by learning how they react to certain situations and then forcing those reactions when advantageous.

But, if that was the case, then you would expect me to have tonnes of dreams about my college work, or roleplaying, but I don't. My MOBA dreams are the most normal ones I have, every other dream being like Alice In Wonderland. It's crazy... I wonder, does this happen to others?

Also... Dreaming about being Invoker is the best. ALL THE POWER!