Hi all!

I wanted to start up a blog of my ranked games to receive input to help myself improve and hopefully help others along the way. Please don't hesitate to post criticism or feedback!

A little about myself:
-I am 20 year old college student
-I started playing LoL 2.5 months ago
-I like to think I am well suited to progress in this game XD
-I am a National Master of Chess (~2200 Elo) (Please PM if you are interested in chess!)
-Former Online Poker Player (.25/.5 and .5/1 FR on PS, slightly profitable :P)
-I watch and love TheOddOne's Stream

Roster, Elo and Goals:
My main role is far and away Jungling. However, I feel comfortable supporting but would of course like to learn this role better. The other roles I feel I can pass as but am nothing special.

Roster (In order of frequency/mastery of champion):
Jungle: Amumu, Maokai, Nocturne, Shyvana
Support: Nunu & Willump, Alistar, Soraka
ADC: Tristana, Ashe
Mid: Morgana, Ahri
Top: Teemo, Cho'Gath

At the moment, I almost always jungle Amumu or Maokai when I get the chance. I am looking to add Lee Sin and/or Skarner to this regular list. Question: Any champs you would recommend?

At support I would like to add Janna and Taric Most likely.

At the moment I have absolutely no clue what my true Elo should be. Last season I maintained about a 6.0-8.0 KDA with Amumu and Maokai when I attempted to climb the ranks. However, I do not know if this is a product of many factors such as unskilled opponents, skilled teammates, or simply variance and a low sample size. I am not too worried about my Elo at the moment and just would like to improve.

For the sake of limiting this behemoth of a post... I would just like to end by asking a few questions
-Can you post a LoLReplay link for anyone who would like to watch future posts?
-Any Sources for learning the role of Jungler or Support?
-Anything I can do to make this post or future posts better?

If you have any criticism or feedback please post it!

All the Best!
