School is exhausting. 4 hours of sleep more or less a hour or so daily.

Haven't been able to league much, my main computer is broken and I'm using an old one. Haven't scrim'ed in forever, looking forward to S3.

I've also been lacking on my guide updates.

I really stopped playing Alistar, and with S3 changes, will not play him for a long time seriously. I'll let that guide slowly expire.

I've been playing a lot less Olaf lately, and a lot more other champions. I've gone back to my Jax roots, as well as playing Nidalee, Cho, and Rengar when I can.

I also am testing out a Cho-Mid build along with a 2k1 elo buddy of mine. If anyone has real good knowledge, do tell. Last time I played Cho-Mid was a Cho-streak after his 'buff'. I'm thinking roughly Athenes->Frozen Heart->Deathcap->Guardian/Abyssal.

Also testing out the viability of Support Shaco, time to smurf-test it.

Thanks for the replies on my guide~