Lately it has been hard for me to enjoy games when I queue with other people. It seems like I may need a break from the game right now because most of my games have been stressful and that is when I know it is time to walk away for a bit or do some troll/ARAM games.

I play League for fun. I don't care about theory crafting or whatever because I got sick of it when I was playing WoW. For the most part I find that if you don't follow the crowed when it comes to builds, runes, or summoner spells, that you'll get trolled. Like seriously, if I want to play AP Janna, I will. Anyways, I'm getting off track here..

What I am trying to say is.. I'm kinda of bored of people who take this game so seriously and rage so hard over little things. I would much rather lose and have fun with my friends than win with people who feel they are superior because they are having a good game (Which most likely resulted in the enemy being bad, feeding, and luck. Not skill).

What I hate most is when people have to insult each other to feel better about them selves, or blame one person only when your team has a bad comp, bad synergy, or the enemy just out plays.

The thing that people don't take into consideration much when they are insulting some one for being bad, is that everyone has a bad game. There will always be that one game where you feed, or get out CSed or whatever. No one can be perfect. No one.

On the positive side.. I have met some really great people.

Skill aside, all I ask is that we have fun.