I just left a game. I couldnt take anymore those harrasser and the complainers. Seriously.

I don't use to leave or to afk games and basically i report every player that keeps the behaviour (even if he's on the enemy team and he gave me a win), i just couldnt play another game with this people.

I was Fizz jungle and the enemy Trundle stolen my red. Of course my support didnt had Clairvoyance up becaused he spammed it on the bushes (in order to avoid gettin those expensive Sight Ward) and my jungle had been slown a lil bit (2 or 3 camps to be fine).
After getting 4 i was heading top when Warwick suddently died and i basically had to cover.
In the sametime Malzahar mid gave 2 free kills because he also couldnt get a single Sight Ward or not overextend. He just couldnt.

I admit it wasnt exactly my best game and i didnt well but when this guy started yelling "FIZZ NOOB NO GANK MID!" i just couldnt take anymore and i left game.

Yeah, i know, more qq but i use to be a nice player with the other guys i simply don't understand why such people should unleash they'r nerd rage a nice game like LoL, ruining my spare time.

Oh, almost forgot: the bot lane was Alistar and Jarvan IV (you know, they are a premade, they could not be separeted by a mid lane, so no ranged ad for us!) and they started yelling me even in the champion selection cause they thought i would have died at the blue camp.

I'm a little sorry for that poor Warwick, he was not that bad guy..

So, basically, i'm a terrible person. If you find me on tribunal just ban me.

GL & HF everyone. Hope you don't flame your mates.