Recently, while discussing League, I told my friend that it feels like every time I play I'm losing more of my soul. He replied that, when it comes to League, you lose your soul exponentially - that is, a little less each time, until after 800 games you're only down to a quark's worth every game, or so. I hope he's right. Because I feel like 800 games is a lot - in fact if every game is an average of 30 minutes or so, it means I've somehow already wasted 400 hours of my life on League of Legends... and that's only if every game is 30 minutes. You know some of them go up to an hour, especially in lower tiers. I could estimate that I've wasted anywhere from 400 to 600 hours on this game. Which is actually not as much as I thought. But still rather a lot.
The point is, after 600ish hours of League, I think I've reached a level where I'm matched with more and more reasonble(ish) people. Why? Well, put on your Anti Pretentiousness Hats for a moment because I think it has to do with the phasing out of stupid people and young kids as you get further up the tier ladder. You meet more older teenagers and adults (my entire regular League friend group is made up of 18-year-olds, with one exception), and the stupid toxic people are less and less because it's very difficult to stay stupid and toxic after a certain point. You just stop being able to improve if all you do is flame, abuse your teammates, and make poor decision after poor decision. The people who keep playing League *tend* to make better decisions, be a little more focused, and perhaps also are a little more intelligent than what you find in the earliest areas. Yes, I'm a prick. But I don't take that back, I think it's true.
Not that you won't still run into the half-trolls-half-sociopaths with the username 'ALOHASNACKBAR_IHATEF@GZ', but there are noticeably less of them the longer you play. Which is the best reward of all, really.

So I wonder, when I get to 1000 games, or 2000 games even, how nice people will be. Maybe, if at any point I break 10,000 (God save me if I do), people will buy each other skins every game and apologize profusely for every missed CS. That would be nice.