People who play League with me on a regular basis know that my play style is inherently passive. As a rule, I don't go in until I know that I can do something worthwhile. I spend a decent amount of time thinking about the pros and cons of a certain action, but I think, when it comes down to it, I'm not hesitant to the point where my performance suffers too hugely. I'm sure there are situations where I could go in, where I don't go in, for whatever reason, and I'm not saying I'm exempt from making horrible decisions, because of course I'm not. But, for what I feel is the majority of the time, my decisions aren't horrible. They're informed, at the very least. I might hesitate too often, but I know for a fact that I don't blindly go in too often. If I can help it I don't go in blindly at all.
Sometimes, in solo queue, when I'm not playing with my friends for whatever reason, people will accuse me of being too passive - or, specifically, of being afraid. Sometimes they go as far as to call me a *****, which is nice of them. Recently I had a game where I was playing support, as Alistar, and I was letting a Vayne poke me. The situation was tough for me because I didn't know how to hold the lane without getting hit - my adc wasn't offering any counter poke, and I knew that if I were to chase the Vayne she would just kite me and tumble away. My adc accused me of being a ***** by staying back and not going in. The issue was that the Vayne seemed to be dealing significantly more damage than we were; there was nothing, I felt, that I could do, except hanging back under turret and letting my adc farm there. The situation rapidly dissolved from there. The adc berated me endlessly - it was 25 minutes straight of verbal abuse, basically - and by the end of it I felt completely ****ty. I didn't stop trying but it is incredibly difficult to play when you know someone is watching you and waiting to jump on your mistakes so they can make you feel even worse. At the end of the game the adc had convinced my other teammates that I was an unskilled idiot, too, despite the fact that my score was fine. I went 0/3/6, if I remember right. I made a few mistakes but no one, besides that adc, would have went as far as to claim I was purposefully doing badly.

Obviously that game hurt me and it still rankles. Beyond the unfairness of being abused like that, it's just frustrating that people assume passiveness is automatically inferior. I think it's the opposite, at least in solo queue - over-aggressiveness can work if you know what you're doing and the other team doesn't, but it can also make you feed. Jumping in is necessary sometimes for judging how you'll trade with the other person, but when you do it over and over again and keep losing the trade you gain absolutely nothing. I see people do that all the time. In that game I knew we were on the losing end of those trades with the Vayne, so I stopped going in. What would the other option have been? I can't make a good play from thin air, and that's all I had at that point, I thought - empty air.
As pretentious as it might sound, it all goes back to people not thinking. People don't take the time to consider their actions. People don't want to think they're wrong. Was I wrong about the situation in that game? I could have been, I don't know. I don't know everything about League of Legends, and it's entirely possible my adc was more experienced than me. But my gut was telling me how to react to the situation, and I went with it. Maybe there was another way to do it that would have worked better, but there was also a worse way, and that would have been to keep going in. I think about things, probably more than I should, and that's why I'm passive - that's why I sometimes hesitate more than I ought to.

You'd think, though, that thinking about things is better than not thinking about things. Oddly, it seems quite a few of us don't agree.