So I am taking Spanish, and I have to write ten sentences. Help me with the sentences I have, if they are correct, please say so. If they aren't, tell me which sentences are wrong and how to fix it. Kthxbai!

1) El avión es grande. | The airplane is big.
2) Me gusta chicle. | I like gum.
3) La nariz es grande. | Your/my nose is big.
4) La cesta está tejida muy bien. | The basket is woven very good.
5) El elefante es muy grande. | The elephant is very big.
6) Por desgracia, no puedo tocar la guitarra. | Unfortunately, I cannot play guitar.
7) El bebé tiene ojos grandes y azules. | The baby has big blue eyes.
8) La foto es muy bonita! | The photo is very nice.
9) La lluvia se siente increíble! | The rain feels incredible/amazing!
10) El mono es de color marrón. | The monkey is brown.

If I am wrong in any of the translations, please say so. Kthxbai!