He there im Mint and im here to talk about Leavers, Trolls, and Feeders.

Leavers Come Back!

Nobody likes a leaver, I mean why join a game if your not prepared to face anything that could happen in it such as, a Feeder or a Troll. Leaving a game is a shameful act and should not be taken lightly. This morning I was playing with a solo top Darius and he went 0/4/1 after that he quit, leaving our jungle to solo top tyrndamere which is fine we got this, wrong. We pushed their top to their inhib tower, their mid to their inhib tower, and their bot to their inhib. now seeing as how we got that close to winning we wouldve won if we had 5 people.

Trolls Beware

I don't mind trolls as long as they have a good one. Me, when im trolling and still want to do good? I play AD Ryze and I know some of you are probably going like: Huh? But AD Ryze works. See you buy Manamune first, that way you can stack mana for your abilites thanks to his passive Arcane Mastery and his basic attacks, he gets mana from Manamune faster than he would with Archangel's Staff. So it's like I said: Trolls if you are going to troll please make it good like a AD Ryze.

Feeders are Anorexic

Feeding isn't that bad if you at least provide something for your team. If you are 4/12/18 then thats not bad but lets see if we can lower that to say 4/8/11 now thats good you gave assists to your team and you didnt feed that much. Playing a new champion is fun and all and i know some people say mean, and rude things like "go back 2 bots u noob" or "dude you suck uninstall" see, people like that just infuriates me! So if you are trying a new champion do it a custom game once or twice or play some bot games or even play with your friends but going to a solo match with 4 strangers with a new champion and you feed? Thats asking for it.

So please see if you can try to make things better for the League of Legends community, by not leaving, trolling badly, or feeding badly. I'm sure it would make League of Legends a better place for all of us.