So today I wanted to examine the art of counterpicking in the bottom lane. I'm certainly no expert on the matter but I there are a few counter picks and circumstances that I feel are self-explanatory but not every player will necessarily think of these counters. I'm also open to any counters that people wish to share or disagreement of counters, so feel free to post at the end of this and tell me what you think.

We'll start with Urgot, probably one of the least regarded AD champions. This could be due to his weak late-game or perhaps his ability to fit in any lane, whatever the case may be, Urgot is one of the strongest counter picks to an AD heavy team. He is naturally tanky with his shield Terror Capacitor and his ultimate's Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser defensive stat buffs. Aside from his shield and natural tankiness, Urgot builds fairly defensive. Frozen Heart is almost a must on him and considering you'd be counterpicking him based on the fact that the enemy team is AD heavy, there is no reason to not get this item. Many urgot players also build some form of lifesteal, usually Bloodthirster but sometimes Hextech Gunblade which gives him the ability to trade very well. This also cripples the enemy even more because it forces them to focus a target other than Urgot or to spend so much of their damage and cooldowns on Urgot that your team can clean-up the fight.
- Urgot counters: Heavy AD teams, low ranged AD carries like Vayne.
- Urgot gets countered by: AP heavy teams, Soraka (silence after poison), and Sivir (spellshield)

Moving on, I'll examine the relationship between Vayne and Caitlyn and why I think Vayne actually counters Caitlyn. So taking a look at Vayne, her range and laning phase are the weakest point of the game, she really starts to take off mid and late game. Now a lot of people have this notion that Caitlyn counters Vayne due to her range. Yet, Caitlyn is very dependent on zoning. She achieves this through bush control usually. Her passive also only works in bushes. Vayne's Condemn counters this extremely well. It forces Caitlyn to give up her bush control and basically excludes her from using her passive unless she is willing to take massive harass. Putting Vayne with a strong disabling support like Alistar makes her even stronger and fairly safer. Blitzcrank is another support that works well with Vayne when trying to counter a Caitlyn Blitzcrank zones extremely well and really forces an uncomfortable situation for an enemy Caitlyn who has already lost her bush control due to Condemn.

Finally, we'll take a look at picking a fragile carry, or a carry that requires alot of protection. The three I'm going to be talking about is Ashe, Kog'Maw, and Twitch. Twitch isn't generally seen as a viable AD pick but it can work. Twitch and Kog'Maw in particular have the highest potential damage output of any AD in the game. We won't look at what champions they counter, but rather how to protect them. You want to pick champions that allow them to kite or protect them. In bot lane Taric and Alistar are both great picks as they can disable the enemy and allow the carry to farm. Another great pick would be Trundle as either a top or jungler. Champions like Morgana and Galio are also extremely good with their AoE ultimates, This isn't necessarily counterpicking as much as it is picking for synergy. Granted picking Twitch or Ashe in solo queue isn't recommended because these champions require a lot more communication.

In any case, counterpicking or picking for synergy both have great potential to win a game. So next time you're in solo queue think about what you're picking and why you're picking that champion. Could end up winning or costing you the game.

thanks for reading guys