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Asked a Question: Mar 2nd, 2018
Gnar is a toplane tank with a massive engage that's somewhat difficult to manage and excellent kiting. Jhin is an adc with a unique reload mechanic that requires you to plan your autos well in...
Asked a Question: Mar 2nd, 2018
She has 0 CC, doesn't have any shielding, buffing, or healing abilities for allies, and can't engage on her own without being in danger, so I'd say no. Her playstyle is similar to Vayne, Varus, and...
Tier List
Created a Tier List On: Mar 2nd, 2018
Mr. Nyahr's 8.4 ADC Tier List: "*Kai'Sa can not be properly placed until she is on live servers, so she's in A Tier for now.
*Do we still count Urgot as an ADC?"
Tier List
Created a Tier List On: Mar 2nd, 2018
Mr. Nyahr's Tier List
Posted a Comment: Mar 2nd, 2018
"Do you know if Kai'Sa's Plasma is applied to everyone hit with Hurricane? If so it might become a pretty core item for her."