My new laptop came in today. The old one was running LoL on the lowest settings at 13 FPS. This new one hasn't dipped below 50. Maybe now I can actually play :D Also thinking I might start streaming if I can work it out with my friends to do some stuff together. Maybe some commentaries and such too. Who knows? This opens up a world of possibilities for me.

So what do you guys think? Would any of you tune in for some streams? I'm not high elo it would just be for fun. Mainly for my commentary and to see my face (you know you wanna). Also what Ideas do you have. I mean there are already so many LoL players on youtube with their own things. What could I do? Keep in mind for a while this would just be streams. I had to empty my wallet for this new gizmo so I can't buy fraps yet.

Anyway leave your thoughts below.