It would seem I'm always stuck in the jungle although I prefer mid. I'm ok with this though so from now on I will probably be playing more jungle in normals as well. If I am not jungling I will most likely be playing mid as Akali as I find her to do really well against most mids. I have a friend who will be playing top when we duo que and if he can't he'll probably be jungling while I do mid or support. At all cost I will not be AD carry since I'm terrible with them. If my friend ever wants to jungle and someone has called mid I will probably take top.

My junglers: Nocturne, Lee Sin, Kayle, Malphite, Fiddlesticks, Shaco

My mids: Akali, Ahri, Kassadin, Fiddlesticks, Katarina, Ryze, Kennen, Vladimir, Annie

My tops: Irelia, Lee Sin, Kayle, Akali, Malphite, Kennen, Vladimir, Garen

My supports/tanks: Soraka, Janna, Alistar, Poppy

Anyway my plan is to control the two most important lanes IMO. Top lane and mid. If I can't get mid I'll use someone in the jungle who can gank early to secure mid for my team. This way we'll have only bot to worry about which I'll help out when I'm not helping mid. Since my friend is a great top I don't feel any need to visit him so by jungling I can help the two lanes I'm worried about. If I were to AD carry I would not be able to control the game as well and would have to rely on my team which I have NO intentions of doing.

Anyway that's my plan on how to control the game so that hopefully we come out winning most of the time. Friend goes top and I jungle/mid.