About this game. I got three kills by 4 minutes and had a great ult that got my friend a kill when he should have died counter jungling. Our top was a Garen who fed a Rengar and our mid was a Kennen who fed a morde. So we were pretty behind other than me and my friend playing Pantheon.

My friend and I outplayed the other team so hard that we won two teamfights in a row even though the other team was so fed. We got pretty fed and 3 man baroned as soon as we killed their jungler when he stupidly didn't run from us. We continued to push mid and killed all of their towers except for one nexus tower. during this time we killed 3 of their teammates and only me and my friend had taken any damage. our kennen ali and garen were all at full health. but for some reason even though it was a 5v2 they refused to push and just ran away. by this time i was doing so much damage that literally we could have tower dived and still won at that moment. But no. They ran.

So then like one minute later when their whole team was up we decided to go destroy their Lee Sin bot. Our garen who was going tank garen and was thus completely useless decided to just continue farming top. our Kennen ran away as soon as the other team showed up. Our alistar stayed for a while but got out when he got to low health. So it was me and my friend against 4 of them. He tanked while i shot at them and continually flashed back to get away from them. We killed two of them but then my friend died and their morde and oriana were still alive so I had to flash out to save myself. I got back to base where garen was and stood guard at the turret. Oriana ulted me into them and me and garen both died. They pushed to the nexus and My team revived in time to kill them but the rest of their team had already respawned. We then chased a Nunu & Willump through their jungle but ali headbutted him to safety like a genius.

We had one last team fight in which They let the fed Rengar get to me so we had no adc because they decided that i didn't need protection or help. We got aced except for my friend. He got back to base and defended as best as he could killing two of them in a 1v5 under base turrets. They won. And I had to tell myself not to flip the table. We could have won in an amazing comeback but these idiots lost us the game. So to everyone that says "you just have to tell people what to do and be positive" You're wrong. You have to do that and hope that they listen. Because more likely than not they won't and you'll end up losing when you deserve to win.